Par Value

par-value-enThe evolution of Israel Banking as reflected in the Barlev collection of securities certificates

The land of Israel, or Palestine, of the end of the 19th century was a forlorn corner of the deceasing Ottoman Empire. Its economy was based on agriculture, small industry, trade and donations, and the financial needs of its inhabitants were meager. A single Jewish bank existed at the time – Valero Bank of Jerusalem – as well as a few foreign banks. The Jewish immigration waves of the 20th century changed the Land as well as its banking scene. Within a few decades, there were more than 100 banks and similar institutions.

The history of the banks in the land of Israel is the history of the land.

This book brings you a taste of the history, as reflected in the Zvi and Yehudah Barlev collection of securities certificates.

The book “Par Value” can be purchased at our office for 190 NIS (including shipping charges). You can pay by check, credit card or bank transfer (inquiries and coordination by phone: +972-3-5198000 or The book will be sent to the buyer within 3 days from the day the payment is received.